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Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Online Advertising

Online advertising - is simply advertising that is done over the Internet. For those interested in such a strategy, there are a advertising mediums. While the effects of online advertising are still being studied, it is a rapidly-growing segment of the advertising dollar.

As more people turn to the Internet as a source for dailnumber of options and some have found a way to advertise online through things that do not appear to be traditional 
y news, socialization and communication, more advertising dollars are likely to be spent. In fact, in a period of five years, from 2006 to 2010, online advertising is expected to increase from 6 percent of all money spent for advertising, to 12 percent or more. That could signify the beginning of a fundamental shift in how all advertising dollars are spent.

It is also quickly becoming a serious force for other types of advertising media to deal with. Newspapers and magazines all over the world are facing a number of different challenges, including loss of ad revenue. Many attribute some of those struggles to online advertising, which is not only taking a share of the advertising, but a share of the audience as well. This is especially true of the young adult male audience, which is a target  demographic of many advertisers.

Friday, January 21, 2011

Email Advertising

A company that delivers its sales messages directly to prospects through an email address practices email advertising. These commercial emails usually include links to websites. The consumer can click on the links to purchase a product, or get more information about it. The marketer then tracks the number of emails opened, and the number of times the links in the email were clicked. Finally, the marketer can track the conversion rate, which is the number of sales completed as a result of the email advertising campaign.

Many marketers now use only opt-in lists, so messages are not considered to be spam. Spam messages are unsolicited bulk emails sent to people who did not request to receive such email. Generally, these lists are created when a consumer requests to receive information and sales messages from a specific company.

Some opt-in lists are built for the purpose of allowing other companies to use them. In this instance, the customer opts in to receive email messages on a specific topic from various companies. Marketers can then rent these lists, or have the list owner send an email out on behalf of the marketer. This is also known as an email blast service, or an opt-in emailing service.

Email advertising users face some challenges as well. The sheer volume of email a person receives makes it hard for a single message to stand out and be noticed. Even opt-in email can end up the recipient's bulk, or junk, mail folder, since the email is sent to many prospects at once. Many consumers empty these folders without even looking at the contents.

Personal Info

I am Gabriel Jay Baril 20 years old taking Bachelor of Science in Computer Studies at Filamer Christian University. My goal in life is to finish my studies and help my Family in Financially, and my ambition is to become successful businessman someday.

Pay-Per Click Advertsing

Pay per click advertising (PPC) is a widely used form of paying for advertisements on the Internet. This method of charging advertisers for clicked links is usually credited to Bill Gross, The idea of pay per click advertising was first introduced in 1998.

The basic premise of PPC advertising is that people who purchase links on search engines or on sites that employ search engine ads, like blogs, only pay for their ads when a customer clicks on the advertisement link. Fees vary considerably. Search engine terms or keywords that are used frequently cost much more on a per click basis than do ones that are searched infrequently.

Many people may be familiar with pay per click advertising as offered by search engines like Google. Most other search engines have some form of this marketing strategy for commercial clients. Many search websites have two separate ways in which your ads can be featured. In sponsored match pay per click advertising, ads show up on search engine pages. When people search for a term, if your ad is related, it may pop up, often to the side of search engine results.

The other form of pay per click advertising is called content match. When people create private content driven websites, they can choose to participate in programs that allow ads to run on their pages. They usually are reimbursed on a pay per click basis too, though they only make a percentage of the total the advertiser pays. Search engines look for ads that will match content on private sites, so that people interested in the content would also be the most likely customers for any ads shown.

Banner Advertising

A banner ad is a rectangular image featured on a website which acts as a portal to the advertiser’s site once clicked on. Whereas original banner ads featured little more than images and text, many of today’s banner ads are interactive, featuring flash animation, video, and audio to attract the audience’s attention. Banner ads are a main component of cooperative Online advertising and "pay-per-click" advertising, which is unique to the Internet.

A banner ad might use text or sound to beckon the audience to click on or "mouse-over" it in order to effect some change in the ad’s animation. For example, some banner ads challenge the viewer to click on a moving target or answer a trivia question, thereby engaging the viewer to participate in a game within the ad itself. Moving banner ads, which slide across the screen to attract the viewer’s attention and obstruct his or her view of the web browser, often monopolize bandwidth and are sometimes purposely difficult for the viewer to close. These types of ads are typically seen as an annoying, if not unethical form of web advertising.

Along with direct mail, pop-up ads, and text hyperlinks, the banner ad is one of the main models of advertising deployed by websites that wish to advertise their products or services online. Websites that want to use banner ads have the option of participating in a link exchange with other websites that generate the type of traffic they want to receive on their own site. For example, a web design company and a tech writer may agree to host a banner ad for one another on their respective sites. Instances where two competing websites participate in a banner ad exchange, such as a web designer hosting an ad for another web designer, are examples of cooperative advertising.

Direct Mail

Direct mail is a way of advertising in which advertisers mail printed ads, letters or other solicitations to large groups of consumers. Bulk-mail rates are used to lower the cost of the mailing, and targeted mailing lists are used to maximize potential response.

It is used in many different situations, limited primarily by the imagination of the advertiser. Stores typically use direct mail to advertise new products or to distribute coupons. Charities typically use it to raise money or recruit volunteers. Almost any sale pitch can be made by direct mail.

Since consumers often throw away mail associated with ads, marketers were challenged to ensure that consumers read their ads. Direct mail marketers now use a variety of techniques to ensure that the recipients open their envelope. Some go to great lengths to make the envelope and mailing appear personal, even using special computer fonts that look like handwriting. Others will target the mailing to the most-likely customers by using targeted mailing lists. Many direct mail marketers have realized that one of the biggest challenges can be getting the reader to simply open the envelope and read the ad.

Direct mail has entered the world of the internet, and many of the same techniques are showing up electronically in email. Some advertisers now send emails with ads to large groups of consumers.

They take advantage of the relatively low cost of obtaining a long list of email addresses and the little time needed to mail to thousands or millions of people. Perhaps not surprisingly, many computer users reacted by deleting what they perceive as "junk email".

Monday, January 17, 2011

Mailing List

If this is your first time looking for mailing lists for sale, there are some things that you should know. First of all, the list that you choose is the most important aspect of your direct marketing campaign, whether it is direct mail, telemarketing, or e-mail marketing. With 50,000 available on the market today, finding the right mailing lists for sale can be a difficult task.

But not AllMedia work for you. Since 1981 we have helped clients secure the lists they need for a successful sales campaign. There are many lists out there that are old and inaccurate, leading to wasted time and money reaching for people who aren’t even there. But AllMedia knows the reliable sources, taking the guesswork and risk out of buying them yourself.


AllMedia takes care of every detail of your lists for you, so you can focus on your campaign. We start by reviewing your materials, learning your company, and determining who your target market is. Then we search the lists, looking for the best prospects. AllMedia sends you a full review and recommendations tailored to your campaign goals and your budget.

With AllMedia on your side, you also get the benefit of our buying power. AllMedia brokers millions of contacts each year, and with that volume we can get your lists at the best price possible, sometimes half of what our competitors charge. We tighten your scope even further by selecting the demographic profile that is most likely to respond to – and buy – your offer.

AllMedia has access to all types of mailing lists for sale including:
  • Business mailing lists
  • Consumer mailing lists
  • Response lists
  • Subscriber lists
  • Association lists

Traffic Sources

When it comes to making money online, the ability to generate traffic is an absolute must if you want to succeed.  You can have the best products, the best websites, and best sales pages, but without internet marketing traffic, you do not make any money.
Most new marketers spend most of their time building fancy sites with lots of products and links, and overlook the importance of traffic.  The more traffic you can get, the more profitable your business will be.

There are many different ways of building internet marketing traffic.  Some are paid and some free.  Some are quite difficult, and others relatively simple.
Here are a few techniques that you can use to drive traffic to your website.

1.  SEO
Search Engine Optimization is probably the first form of driving traffic that comes to most people’s minds.  Simply put, SEO is having your website appear as high as possible in the search engines.
On page SEO can be quite simple and involves the correct use of keywords, title tags, external linking, and sitemaps.
Off page SEO is all about building backlinks to your site.  The more websites that have links to yours, the more the search engines will regard yours as being a quality site.  You should try to get links containing anchor text, and from sites with a high page rank.

2.  Article Marketing
This method of generating internet marketing traffic is one of the best.  Many internet marketers use article marketing as their primary method of driving traffic.  You should focus on writing high quality content and distribute it to a number of different article directories.
The key to successful article marketing is to create a compelling Authors Resource Box.  This is where you can insert links to your website, so you need to give your reader a reason to click the link.

3.  Forum Marketing
Many marketers have had success using forums to drive traffic to their websites.  It is fairly simple to join a forum and start contributing to the discussion.  Once you have developed a relationship with the members of the forum you can promote your site to them.  Remember to check the rules in relation to promoting your site or products.  Usually you can use links in your signature.

4.  Social Networking
The social networks are becoming more and more popular with marketers as a means of generating traffic.  The most popular networks are YouTube, Twitter and Facebook.  Others include MySpace, Linkedin, Ning and Digg, but there are many more.  Each different network has its own specific methods that work, so there is a lot to learn about using social networking for internet marketing traffic.

5.  PPC Marketing
Pay Per Click marketing is one of the easiest ways to create an automated traffic system.  Probably one of the most popular is Google Adwords, but there are others.  PPC is not something that a newcomer to internet marketing should attempt, but with a little experience, it is a system that should be considered.  One needs to understand the value of every visitor to their site before embarking on a paid campaign.

Advertising strategy

An advertising strategy is a campaign developed to communicate ideas about products and services to potential consumers in the hopes of convincing them to buy those products and services.

This strategy, when built in a rational and intelligent manner, will reflect other business considerations (overall budget, brand recognition efforts) and objectives (public image enhancement, market share growth) as well.

As Portable MBA in Marketing authors Alexander Hiam and Charles D. Schewe stated, a business's advertising strategy "determines the character of the company's public face." Even though a small business has limited capital and is unable to devote as much money to advertising as a large corporation, it can still develop a highly effective advertising campaign. The key is creative and flexible planning, based on an in-depth knowledge of the target consumer and the avenues that can be utilized to reach that consumer.
 Today, most advertising strategies focus on achieving three general goals, as the Small Business Administration indicated in Advertising Your Business:

1) Promote awareness of a business and its product or services;

2) Stimulate sales directly and "attract competitors' customers"; and

3) Establish or modify a business' image. In other words, advertising seeks to inform, persuade, and remind the consumer. With these aims in mind, most businesses follow a general process which ties advertising into the other promotional efforts and overall marketing objectives of the business.

Saturday, January 15, 2011

For Sale


 2011 New Chrysler Nassau Concept Cars

The Chrysler designers have been working on completely new interior for the 2011 Chrysler Nassau and Dodge Avenger. The exterior will look substantially different. The 2011 Chrysler Nassau will offer the choice of two engines - 2.4-liter four-cylinder engine or a V6 Pentastar unit produced at Chrysler Trenton South engine plant.

Ferrari F430

The Ferrari F430 is a sports car auto that will replace the Ferrari 360. It will debut at the September, 2004 Paris Motor Show. European left-hand drive sales begin in November, 2004, but right-hand drive sales will not start until Spring 2005, and the United States will not get the F430 until the Summer of 2005.

Ferrari MIG-U1 Enzo 2011

Well, the manager from Leonberg near Stuttgart, a new challenge. The car manufacturer is the most powerful super-sports car out of Maranello, the Ferrari Enzo, the Gemballa MIG-U1 – a custom-made version, limited to only 25 cars. In the last 27 years Uwe Gemballa has the world’s best reputation for refinement of Porsche cars reached. The core of the entire make-over is completely redesigned.

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